The beauty of the breast largely depends on its size. Many people agree with this, but not everyone can boast of good natural abilities. When young, girls are often dissatisfied with the size of their mammary glands, and older women are often dissatisfied with their shape. Cosmetic surgery and breast augmentation can help correct age-related changes and congenital characteristics.

Breast augmentation with cosmetic surgery sometimes causes mixed reactions, however, today no one will be surprised by this. A woman's ideal figure not only gives her confidence and high self-esteem, but also receives admiring glances from others, countless compliments and attention. No matter what judgment it causes breast enlargement, only the woman makes a decision about the need for such an operation. And modern cosmetic surgery and breast augmentation technique not only brings effective results but is also safe for both the mammary gland and the entire body. The innovative implant is made from a particularly durable material, is well accepted by the tissues, adapts perfectly to the body and becomes one with the body.
Breast augmentation. Pictures before and after surgery

Breast augmentation: implant basics
Increase breast size In medical language it is called "endoscopy". Today, breast augmentation is the insertion of implants into the mammary glands, allowing you to adjust the size and shape. It's worth going back in history a bit to compare past and present breast enlargement.
Up to now, some patients mistakenly believe that breast augmentation with implants is a quite dangerous method. Many people remember that breast augmentation was previously performed by injecting into the mammary gland filled with silicone or gel. This method does not guarantee long-term results - the gel spreads, does not take root well and causes inflammation. The effect of this increase is short-lived and then additional treatment is required to eliminate the negative consequences. But all this is a thing of the past - modern plastic surgeons use mammoscopy (expansion), which eliminates the risks and disadvantages of the injection method.
Breast augmentation with implants not only brings guaranteed effectiveness but also brings safety to this procedure in general. The implant is securely fixed in the tissues, does not cause rejection by the body or allergic reactions and allows you to achieve a natural and aesthetic result.
Clinical trials have proven that modern implants are completely reliable. They can withstand almost any trauma, which means that even in exceptional cases, with falls or strong blows to the chest area, the prosthesis will not break, deform or spread. Additionally, the implant's gel filler is so thick that it is physically impossible for it to spread throughout the body.
Modern implants used to enlarge the bust are divided into anatomical and round. The former allow you to achieve the most natural results, as they simulate the real shape of the mammary glands, the latter create a beautiful round shape of high and "youthful" breasts. The implant volume can be different: from 80 ml to 800 ml, allowing you to choose the most suitable implant for each woman and have it done Breast enlargement 2 sizes and more.
Breast augmentation: preparation and rehabilitation
Breast augmentation requires preparation. Before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure, the patient must undergo a series of tests and diagnostics. The purpose of these actions is to confirm that breast augmentation surgery will not cause negative consequences for the woman.
You should be wary if the clinic does not offer you any preliminary examination! If the clinic is ready to perform the desired surgery literally today or tomorrow, do not trust such doctors, because breast augmentation surgery is performed only after an examination, then a successful result can be guaranteed. the success of surgery and health safety.
In addition to the preliminary examination, the doctor must inform the patient about various restrictions that must be observed before and after surgery. For example, it may be necessary to temporarily stop taking certain medications that affect blood clotting. Many doctors insist on stopping smoking and drinking alcohol completely at least 2 weeks before surgery. It is very important to perform weight correction, if you are planning to do it, before surgery, because. . . Then, sudden changes in weight can negatively affect the final results. In general, in the preoperative conversation with the surgeon, it is necessary to talk in detail about the drugs used, lifestyle, bad habits, chronic diseases and other nuances that affect the result of surgery. surgery.
Plastic breast augmentation implies another important preparatory stage - the choice of the implant, as well as its installation location and approach. As a rule, these decisions are made together with the patient, depending on many factors: whether the woman plans to have children and breast-feed, what results she expects, especiallythe patient's natural physical characteristics, etc. v.
The recovery period after breast augmentation surgery requires wearing special compression garments, which speed up and improve recovery time. You should take care of the choice of linen in advance, and experts will also be happy to help you with this.
In the first days after laparoscopy, the mammary glands may be sore and seem too large, but after the swelling stops, the volume will decrease. Pain also disappears within 8-10 days after surgery and, if needed, can be easily reduced with painkillers. Scar thickening and redness in the first 2 months after breast augmentation is a normal reaction of the body, within 5-8 months they will turn white and almost invisible.
In a modern clinic, special attention is given to all surgical interventions, including mastectomy. Breast augmentation is performed in compliance with all standards, with careful preparation and recovery time. Patient care is always the top priority of true professionals.
Breast augmentation: choose surgical method and implant location
Successful breast augmentation surgery largely depends on the correct choice of implant placement and the surgical method that allows the surgeon to "walk" to this location. Selected breast augmentation method largely determines what the outcome will be, where the scar will be located, whether the woman will retain the ability to breastfeed, etc. v.
Implants can be installed:
- Under the muscle - the implant is reliably protected by the pectoral muscles and the tissues of the mammary gland itself, which prevents its palpation and displacement.
- Under the main muscle layer of the pectoral muscle - this method provides additional fixation of the implant.
- Subglandular - used when there is sufficient soft tissue volume and the mammary gland size is small.
- Using a combined approach in two planes, where the upper part of the implant is placed under the pectoralis major muscle and the lower part under the glandular tissue. Some experts believe that this method allows you to securely fix the implant and prevent its palpation.

The choice of method is influenced by the patient's physical data: the location of the mammary glands, the presence of sagging breasts (ptosis), elasticity and firmness of the skin, the expression of the pectoral muscles, v. v.
Breast augmentation is performed through incisions, the location of the incision is called the surgical method. To ensure that post-operative sutures are not visible to prying eyes, incisions are often made following the natural folds of the body. There are three approaches to breast augmentation surgery.
The most common, convenient, and least traumatic approach is the inframammary incision. As the name suggests, the incision is made by the surgeon under the mammary gland following the body's natural creases and gives the surgeon the best possible view and access. In this way, the breast tissue is practically not damaged, the post-operative scar is almost invisible and hidden from prying eyes.
The peripapillary incision is made along the edge of the areola, perfectly concealing the post-operative scar and giving the surgeon good access, but is not used often, because it is only suitable for womenWomen who do not plan to become pregnant after surgery. An incision near the nipple cuts off the milk duct and breastfeeding becomes impossible.
Another approach that allows you to reliably hide scars is an armpit incision. But it is rarely used because. . . The large distance between the armpit and the mammary gland makes it difficult for the surgeon to access the intervention area.

How much does breast augmentation cost?
How much does breast augmentation surgery cost? a question that worries many patients. Cost of breast augmentation not cheap, and the low price for such an activity is more alarming than pleasing. You can use low-quality implants, outdated equipment and materials, or have surgery performed by a novice surgeon - all of this will significantly reduce costs. breast enlargement. Price Surgery may be attractive, but the risk of complications and unsatisfactory results increases significantly. By the way, breast augmentation in the capital Prices are not always higher across regions, as operating costs are roughly the same everywhere. But the quality of services provided in the capital is often much higher than in the region. breast augmentation clinic.
Breast augmentation, the cost of which also includes the price of the implant, requires careful preparation, experience and a highly qualified surgeon, using the most modern equipment, materials and high-quality anesthesia. Therefore, you should not skimp on your beauty and especially your health.
For each patient, the clinic develops an individual breast correction program, including the preparatory phase, surgical intervention and rehabilitation. The cost of the surgery will usually be calculated by the surgeon at the first free consultation. A modern clinic will cover the initial costs, so you can visit a plastic surgeon for free who will tell you in detail about all the nuances of breast augmentation, choosing tissueimplant for you and advise on all issues.
Breast augmentation surgery is not just about changing the shape and size of the mammary gland. This is an opportunity for any woman to perfect herself, get rid of worries about her appearance, and find harmony. According to the survey, many girls consider themselves dissatisfied because they are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their mammary glands and consider this the cause of many of their failures. Mammoplasty allows you to model the mammary glands according to the patient's requirements and helps the girl not only get rid of physical defects, but also from some psychological problems.
Breast augmentation: Frequently asked questions
Question: What happens to the implants during and after pregnancy and is breastfeeding after implantation dangerous?
Answer: Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a clear answer about how your breasts will change after giving birth. Each organism is a unique individual and the pregnancy process happens differently in each person, leading to different changes. Normally, breasts will increase in size after pregnancy. How much the breast will expand with implants depends on both the size of the implant and the physical characteristics of each woman.
If breast augmentation is performed without removing the milk ducts (this only happens when using an isolamapillary approach), then the woman still has the opportunity to breastfeed and, as studies show, Silicone implants do not have a negative impact on milk and the child's health.
Question: Do breast implants need to be replaced over time?
Reply: The implants used for breast augmentation themselves do not have an expiration date and cannot be replaced. Reintervention is required in rare cases where the implant causes discomfort or is damaged in some way.
Question: I want to have breast augmentation surgery and lose another 5-7 kg. The doctor said I needed to lose weight first, then have surgery. Why?
Answer: The doctor is right, at the time of enlargement surgery, you must have the figure that you plan to maintain in the future. A change in weight will not only change the proportions of the body, in that the new breasts may not "fit", but also the condition of the tissue: the breasts may sag, decrease in size or invertagain, increase. about size.
Question: Is breast augmentation possible?
Answer: If you have had breast augmentation but for some reason want to change the size, you can have a second breast augmentation. The nature of the operation will not change, right before installing the new implant, you need to remove the old implant. . However, the feasibility and feasibility of breast augmentation will need to be discussed with your surgeon and the decision made based on their opinion.
Question: At what age can breast augmentation surgery no longer be possible?
Answer: Breast augmentation does not imply an age limit; What matters is the general state of health, tissues, skin, presence of chronic diseases, etc. v. What is possible for one woman at age 50 is contraindicated for another woman at age 45.
Question: Is silicone in implants safe?
Answer: Additional studies, whose purpose is to study the impact of implants on the body, have confirmed that silicone gel does not increase the risk of cancer and other breast diseases, and does not affect the process of breast implants. Pregnancy, fetal development. baby in the womb and breastfeeding.
Question: When can I exercise again after breast augmentation surgery?
Reply: On average, recovery time is 4 - 6 weeks; After this time, women usually return to normal life. But specifically in the case of physical activity, you should not rely on the advice of "experienced" people or information from any source. The only person who knows when you can return to the gym is your doctor.
Limitation of physical activity is due to a number of reasons.
Firstly, sweat is actively secreted when playing sports, which is very harmful to the sutures after surgery. This is what involves limiting not only physical activity but also sun exposure.
Second, surgery always puts stress on the body. And even if you don't feel that feeling anymore, your body needs time to recover. Don't overload yourself with any physical activity (and we're not just talking about sports here), especially if you need to use your upper body. By the way, this will also speed up the process of eliminating swelling.
Thirdly, after sports, you just need to take a shower, and getting water on the seams in the first 10-14 days is undesirable.
Maximum physical activity in the first weeks after surgery is leisurely walking, which will improve blood circulation.
Question: When can I start sunbathing after breast augmentation surgery?
Reply: The implant itself is not damaged by the sun or solarium, but post-operative scars may be significantly darker, so when on the beach during the first year after surgery, You should protect your scar from the sun. Also, you should avoid going to the beach until the scar heals completely, because. . . It is undesirable for sweat to stick to them. Another thing worth knowing about sun exposure is that the implant also heats up in the sun, just like your body, but it cools much more slowly.
Question: Can I wear an underwire bra after a colonoscopy?
Reply: Possible, but not earlier than 20 days after surgery. This is because bra underwires put pressure on scars, which can lead to their irreversible deformation.